Thursday, April 9, 2015

Spanish: SOL

This morning I had Spanish, which can either be one of the highlights or one of the worst parts of my school day. On one hand, you have to get up early and go to Spanish, where your mind might not be fully awake and you have to take notes on a new verb tense and you don't get it and everyone else does, and it sucks. On the other hand, it could totally be the highlight of the day, like today, because you never know what's going to happen. Today I walked in and Nikki told us to each write down on five or six notecards famous people or fictional characters that everybody knows about. My notecards consisted of Adam Levine, Jennifer Lawrence, Lady Gaga, Olaf from Frozen, Madonna and Peyton Manning. We played charades for the next hour, which rocked. I love Spanish because it's like learning a secret code in some ways, but also allows you to communicate with people and understand more different cultures wherever you go.
Do you guys take any languages, and if you could take any, what would it be. Comment your answers...


  1. So true. Today was great in spanish!

  2. That sounds really fun. I wish I could be there. I took Spanish before French, and it really helped me with verbs.
