Saturday, March 8, 2014

SOL: Right now

Right now, my dad is in the other room. He's playing drums. I listen as he adds the ride cymbal,and then the bass drum, and turned a roll into the climax of whatever he's playing right now. Drums are cool, but I wouldn't like to put in the work to play them really well. For songwriting, and also just having a melody, piano is better. I also play guitar, but only for less a year, so I'm not that great. The drums stop for a second. I revel in the silence, listening to the patter of water dropping from the roof, until another drumroll stops my thought. The drums just stopped again.And started. I reach over and pet my dog's golden wavy fur, and she casually sticks out her big pink tongue and licks me, dampening my hand with her hot dog breath as well as the tongue. "Go away, Boo", I say, but she can barely hear me over my dad's incessant drum playing, not that it's not good or anything. The drums are going on and off, like dangling hope of peace and quiet and front of me on a string and then pulling it away. Normally I like his drum playing, but after Jack playing some game with Boo all morning that involves screaming, I'm ready to be done. I consider going to get my iPod, but decide to finish this slice of Life first.
For any of you guys wondering if this is the "I don't know what I should write so I'm just going to write about not knowing what to write slice," that apparently everyone has to do, it is a little bit, but not really, considering I'm talking about what is going on right now, at this moment. For example, my mom is setting the table for and early lunch so she can take me to AS play practice and then go to the tile store. She walks away. Jack runs down the hall, saying "Guess what? Me flappy happy"!!! Besides from the noise of my parents distant footsteps and voices, and my brother in talking to them which I can hear faintly, there's nothing left besides the low hum of this computer, the click of my fingers on the keyboard, and the splattering of the water falling off the roof outside.


  1. I think this is a wonderful slice. You not only describe what's going on in "That moment" but what it means to you. The drum section is excellent, especially with the start/stop parts.

  2. That's really cool, I agree with Max.

  3. You wrote this in a really cool and nice way. Good job.

  4. I didn't know that your dad plays the drums! Good job describing (as Max said) what was happening around you at the moment. Sometimes, a moment of silence is all that you really need. Nice work.
