Saturday, March 8, 2014

Classroom Slice of Life #2 of 31/Hair

My hair is coppery medium brown, long, and wavy-curly. I also can't brush it or wear it down in humid places because it gets so puffy it's totally annoying. My mom and dad call it "the hair". One of the plusses of having hair like mine is that I can do about ANYTHING with it, not that I want to. I've made kind of minor changes to my hair for like the last 7 years or whatever, but nothing huge. I'm thinking about straightening my hair. If I ever move to L.A. I think that I will have to straighten my hair, or it will be in my face constantly. Of popstars with cool hair, I might give the prize to Avril Lavigne. Not best hair, just cool hair. And every country-pop star always has these perfect wavy-curly ringlets. That's kind of what my hair looks like, just without the perfect part, and a whole lot puffier. And that's when I don't brush it.

1 comment:

  1. I have so many friends with curly hair who have the same problem. I like my hair, but I would really love to have those perfect ringlets like Taylor Swift used to have. I definitely agree that Avril Lavinge has the coolest hair out of all pop-stars.
