Friday, January 17, 2014

A kind of stupid ode to my old iPod (SOL)

Once upon a time there was an iPod. This iPod was a 4th generation, shiny iPod that was given to a girl for her 10th birthday. The girl was extremely happy to get this iPod, and started downloading music like crazy, not knowing that every single time she downloading a song she was using up $1.29 of her mom's money. This is how she got her own iTunes account, which to this day still thinks that she is eleven and because of this does not let her download songs with the word "hell". This iPod traveled with her everywhere; first to Ecuador and the Galapagos islands, then to New York, then to London, Paris, and Switzerland. She did everything on her iPod, like listening to "explicit" songs because her iTunes account still thought that she was ten, emailing with her friends, and even typing some unit stuff (that didn't last for long). Her mom got mad at her multiple times for listening to music 24/7 when she should have been having "family time". Then, one cold snowy day, the London family drove up to the mountains. This girl's mom picked up the precious iPod, and then dropped it on the cold hard, cement floor. The glass screen shattered everywhere. Two weeks later, she had to go and get a new iPod. The girl is now on her 2nd (or 3rd; I can't even remember) iPod, which has multiple cracks in the screen. The good news is that she finally got a case.


  1. Fun! I liked the last section and the "explicit songs" part along with the paying money!

  2. I think this is super fun and interesting. The third person perspective is a nice twist on a SOL, but the details make it clear that you are, in fact, the girl of the story. Plus, your final sentence is just a perfect way to end.
